Relationship Coaching for High Performers and High Achievers on La Palma Tijarafe

Life moves fast. You work day and night to achieve your goals. A successful career, a beautiful home, a luxury car... and a relationship where the spark might have faded. With all that hard work, you may have lost sight of each other. What can you do about it?

Een publicatie van: Hélène van den Broek

You Want a Relationship

It starts with acknowledgment. Is there truly room for a relationship in your busy life? Do you still, deep down, want that connection? If your relationship feels a bit stagnant, ask yourself when you last communicated from the heart. Perhaps it seems like you’re too busy for a relationship. But there’s a solution for that, too. Hélène van den Broek organizes exclusive retreats for high performers and high achievers on La Palma, where you can step away from the daily rush and create space to reconnect—with yourself and your partner.

Going Out to Eat, But Not Really Being There

Does this sound familiar? You go out to dinner, but you’re not really present. Not in your mind, and certainly not in your heart. Heartfelt communication has been on pause for a while, and you no longer feel truly connected. Are you wondering if the spark is still there? Have you lost sight of each other? Or is it time to consider the future of your relationship? Hélène’s retreat offers you the opportunity to explore these questions. You deserve to take a deeper look.

A New Environment, a Fresh Start

By immersing yourself in a different environment, you can finally find some peace. La Palma, with its swaying palm trees and fruit growing on the trees, allows you to forget about time for a while. Here, you can let go of the rat race and be fully present in the moment.

Rediscovering Intimacy

Under the guidance of an open-minded coach, you’ll explore whether there’s space for real intimacy. But first, you need to reset your 'Wall Street mindset' and find calm. Intimacy here isn’t about physical activity; it’s about going back to basics. Relaxation, touch, listening, and dancing together will help you rediscover a deeper connection.

Culinary La Palma

You’ll stay at a luxurious compound, specially designed for this retreat. Sleep in a comfortable bed and enjoy gourmet cuisine, without alcohol. After all, you can’t rediscover yourself if you’re under the influence.

A Proven Concept

For over 10 years, Hélène has been organizing retreats for discerning, often American, clients. The glowing testimonials speak for themselves. Following a proven method, you’ll be guided back to your core. Instead of months of self-discovery, this intensive retreat focuses on meditation, silence, music, the senses, relaxation, dance, and sharing.

Isn’t it beautiful to reconnect with each other? To have a deep conversation instead of small talk? To once again enjoy true intimacy?

Sign up now for more information. The contact form is below.

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Updated 30-05-2024

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